Obviously from members comments, getting your handcrafted products into retail stores is not easy and there seems to be lots of people in the same situation.
What I am now prepared to offer to members is the opportunity for you to advertise your hand crafted products of any description (except cards) on my website.
It will be FREE of charge until a product sells, when 20% of your sale price will be retained by me
The process is as follows:
You send me a jpeg image (MUST be jpeg) and a VERY brief description of the item, I will upload it on my website for sale. Please state the selling price INCLUDING SHIPPING, as someone from another country may buy it and you will have to ship it to them direct.
When the item is sold, the money comes to me, I deduct the 20% sales fee, and send you the order , together with the item details, buyers address , etc and the balance of the money I owe you. You then despatch the order direct to the buyer
Please note that this is a totally genuine offer as the person that buys your item will complain to me, NOT you, if their purchase is not delivered.
You must send me your full name and address, and your email address so that I can contact you when an item of yours is sold .
Sellers in the UK will be paid by cheque or Paypal, whichever is preferred
Sellers outside the UK will be paid by Paypal
There will be a separate page(s) on my website for all people joining, titled ‘Other Crafters Items’--------it is live now.
If we all help each other, the group will be worthwhile and all members will benefit
If you wish to take advantage of this opportunity, please do.